Victor Voronkov
Self-employed entrepreneur, Programmer
General management, finance
Development of FORT-VV Programming Language (for Data Processing Program)
Development of Data Processing Program including all mathematical methods; design and development of data display methods; design and development of moving relief images
Marketing and promotion
Web design, flash video development
Vladimir Bessonov
Cand. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor
Idea of replacing data boards by ADC
Development of gamma camera data input program
Anton Serokhvostov
Software Engineer, Win 32 system programming
Assembler coding of group of operators (ToR for FORT-VV)
Michael Sokolov
IT System Postgraduate
Fast display
Fast print
Magnetic disk input/output enhancement
WebCam input
Sound input/output 
Sergey Kuzin
Head of Nuclear Medicine Study Department, radiologist, doctor of higher category
Business relationship with public sector organizations
Idea of deviation rate computation algorithm based on the comparison of selections
Consultancy in medical aspects
Supervision of promotion and publicity materials, by tel. +7 906 219 93 93
Elena Kuznetsova
Radiologist, doctor of higher category
Idea of deviation rate computation algorithm based on the height of relief image
Idea of better detection of abnormalities with side highlighting compared to contour lines
Verification of Organ Boundary Determination method for organ measurement
Marina Dribinskaya
Idea of using relief images for digitization of deviation rate
Oleg Voronkov
II Cat. Software Engineer
Consultancy in web design and flash video tools |